To create a brand that can stand out among the competition in a crowded retail aisle with a clean approach and a fresh take on representing the contents.
Elemental derives it brandmark from the depths of nature. Inspired by periodic table of elements, Elemental aims to recreate the reactions in nature to produce a fine distillate. The brand-mark is consistent with the brand values of a clean and minimalist mark. The Bounding Box along with the brand name consists of the brandmark.
The typeface used is Futura. Fututra Heavy is the font that is used through all applications. Futura Medium is only used in the 'E' brandmark that is used at small display sizes
Elemental 4.3
Elemental 4.3
The brand draws from striking colors that are contrasting to give a sense of the fusion of chemicals and chemistry behind making the beverages
The Elixir is the base of all the packaging imagery associated with the brand. The Elixir represent a swirling vat of chemicals that are mixed together to concoct the perfect brew. Overlaid with the brand gradients, the elixir stand for an elemental flavor. Different parts of the Elixir can be cut to form the basis for the elemental flavors.